“Wiley, the Irresistible Dalmatian with a Heart-Shaped Nose”

Dalmatians are a breed of dog known for their unique appearance, with evidence of their existence found in paintings dating back to the early 1600s. Over time, Dalmatians have become a popular cultural phenomenon, thanks in part to movies like 101 Dalmatians. Their friendly demeanor and distinct look have made them beloved members of many families as well as working dogs. Each Dalmatian is special and unique, just like Wiley. Wiley, a sweet Dalmatian with a heart-shaped spot on his nose, rose to fame on Instagram with over 122k followers. According to his human mom, Lexi Smith, Wiley is a goofy, clumsy, sassy, hungry, cuddly, curious, wild, crazy, silly, happy love weighing in at 54 pounds. While pictures of Wiley are adorable, they do not fully capture all that he means to Lexi. Dalmatian litters usually consist of 6 to 9 puppies, and Wiley was born in Oklahoma before crossing paths with Lexi on St. Patrick’s Day in 2018. All Dalmatian puppies are born white and by the time they are ready to leave their mother, they are covered in their iconic spots.

Wiley was chosen by Lexi from a litter of 11 puppies, with 8 of them being males. While his nose had a noticeable heart-shaped mark on it, it wasn’t the only reason why Lexi picked him. It was a challenging decision, but what sealed the deal was the breeder’s comment that Wiley loved to sleep, cuddle, and eat – things that Lexi enjoyed too. Although there was uncertainty about whether the Dalmatian spot on his nose would remain as he aged, it wasn’t a deciding factor for Lexi.

Feeling snug and comfortable, similar to a bug curled up in a cozy rug.

Dalmatians have a reputation for their high energy levels and love for the great outdoors, making them an ideal choice for adventure seekers. According to Lexi, her furry friend Wiley is not only active but also packed with tons of personality! In fact, she believes that Wiley has an unmatched level of charm and spunk that makes him stand out from other dogs she’s encountered.

Although Wiley enjoys cuddling, he is also quite energetic, which is typical of Dalmatians. Luckily, Lexi mentioned that they live in an area where taking Wiley out to release all that energy is effortless.

Are you a fan of the boop or the blep? Do you prefer it when cats or dogs stick their little noses out for a quick boop, or when they let their tongues hang out in a cute blep? Both are adorable and have become popular internet sensations. Which one do you think is cuter?

Becoming cool may seem like an easy feat, but achieving true awesomeness requires some effort. As the wise Wiley once said, practice makes perfect! If you agree with this sentiment, please show your support by giving this post a like and sharing it with your friends.

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